Akashic Record Reading
To know where we are going, we must first know where we came from. The Akashic Records hold all information past, present and future in relation to your soul's journey. It also contains your life purpose and the important soul connections that you will encounter along your journey.
It is grounding, nourishing and reassuring to be guided by the Masters in the Akashic Records. You can ask a specific question for this reading, or see what comes through. Your Record Keepers and Guides will only share with you information that your Soul is ready to receive.
I will be tuning into your energies, visiting the Akashic Library through meditation for you, where we will uncover who you are on a soul level. I will see a past life your guides want you to know about at this current moment in time, and what your soul wants you to know, as well as any messages from the universe and your guides.
This reading is written, but can be recorded if you'd prefer.